Update on The Stables Community Ownership Opportunity (June 2024)

Keeping the community updated on progress is really important to us and we hope you found the recent article in Hullavington News (June – July 2024 edition) helpful.

The Government timeline for the Community Ownership Fund has changed following the looming election. We are still having to work really hard and at a pace to ensure we are ready when the process starts up again. We don’t want to lose this opportunity and we are very driven given the overwhelming support for this project from the results of our community-wide survey.

We are supported by a network of experienced and highly capable volunteers together with guidance from the Plunkett Foundation, a specialist organisation appointed by the government.  They assure us that we have a sound approach, we are on track to submit the Community Ownership Fund application with a supporting business plan.

So what have we been doing?

  • There have been on-going discussions with the owner regarding the potential purchase and these continue to develop.
  • The Hullavington Community Society Ltd, has been formed.
  • The Expression of Interest was submitted in March and approval given which allows the Society to continue with Business Planning, Operations Planning and Feasibility analysis.  
  • A number of workstreams have been developing the business case, looking at the building fabric and renovation, fundraising, potential layouts and designs and operations planning.
  • By liaising with other communities who have done similar schemes, we now have a greater understanding of the benefits that have emerged, whilst recognising hurdles to be overcome.
  • There have been discussions with local businesses, organisations, politicians and council representatives, from which it is clear there is significant support.  We have been careful to explain that, if successful, the Café and Pub will aim to support local businesses.
  • Based on feedback from the community, we have started to identify the type of services and facilities that would work for people of all ages, from within and outside the village and will share more details of those in due course.
  • We have had a Valuation Survey completed (funded by the Parish Council on our behalf) and a full structural survey.
  • We have completed a very detailed Business Plan which will shortly be stress tested by our group of specialists in this field.

From the above you will see the amount of work that is being put into this community project. We cannot take our foot off the pedal if we are going to succeed in saving a central, village location for people to meet and socialise, so critical for community spirit and wellness.

If you have any queries or suggestions, or if you wish to pledge to buy shares in The Stables then please do contact Debbie1.lawley@gmail.com or hullavingtoncommunity@gmail.com.

Thank you for your on-going support.